Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ok. I have to preface this post by stating how much I hate prescription medication in general.  I know that it all causes side effects, some seen, some unseen.  I pretty much avoid them at all costs.  However, I also know that medicine has it's purpose and place.  For most situations, I do not believe in life long prescriptions.  I know that most of those prescriptions would no longer be needed if the individual made a real long term commitment to nutrition and overall health.  I know this because I have seen countless numbers of individuals come off of their meds for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes etc.
     I woke up yesterday in severe pain again in my arm pit radiating to my bicep and to my breast.  The pain had been so bad the night before I had not been able to sleep and laid in bed for hours hurting.  The Tylenol was not touching this pain at all.  At 8:09 a.m. I broke down and called the surgeons office for advice and to make sure this new pain location didn't signify something more serious.  They were not open yet so I left a message.  I took my last Tylenol around 10:30a.m.  still in agony.  Finally, I decided laying around hurting wasn't helping anything.  At 1:30, I finally called again.  I had to leave another message.  At 2:15 the surgeon's nurse returned my call.  She listened to about half of my description of the pain and the past few days before saying the Dr. wanted me to go ahead and get some pain pills.  No, solution.  No examination.  No comfort that this is ok, and it is safe to just ignore your body's screams and continue to pop pills for another week.  I told her that this breast pain is changing my life.  She was kind but ultimately offered me no comfort other than the kind that can come in the form of pain relief.  They called me in some Hydrocodone despite the fact that I had told them that med me feel like I was stoned and I thought I was allergic to it.  The pharmacist said that is a normal side effect.  Great....I get to be a stoned mamma who can't be driving but the pain will be better.  This is why I don't like meds.  It never just solves the problem, it always causes another as well.  So...I took the pills.  I felt so guilty about it.  Like I am cheating on my principles.  I knew that I had to have some relief if I was going to watch Tristan and have any kind of Thanksgiving.  I could have canceled the Holiday myself but my little boy needs some tradition and to see life going on as usual.  The pills make me feel like I have had several adult beverages minus the aphrodisiac and giggles.  I can't drive while taking them either so I am pretty limited if I want relief.  My husband is working all day Thanksgiving.  So....I  will do my best.

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