Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hitting the Road!

Before all this "stuff" started I had begun training for my first 10k.  I walk my 5 year old the mile to school everyday so slowly I began to jog it home.  Finally, after about 3-4 weeks of walk/jogging I was running 1 mile solidly without stopping.  I had just begun increasing my distances to closer to 2 miles at a time when someone shoved a machine gun with a needle in it down my breast!  This made me mad.  Perhaps, some breasts would not be quite so affected, but my 36D VERY DENSE breasts definitely were.   I refused to allow this nonsense to control my life and destroy my hard work.  I walked the day after the procedure and was back to running 6 days after.  It hurt like hell but that's what ice and OTC pain meds are for, right?  My body is a temple, a vessel, and a reflection of my character, knowledge, and self-control.  I can only control some things......I know.  When my lungs and quads are screaming I remember that my mind is in control.  My brain (and will) is powering my muscles to move forward.  I repeat in my head, "I Beat my Body, I make it My Slave!" 

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